By Damn - 06/05/2012 13:53 - Australia

Today, I noticed my nephew has blue eyes, freckles and dimples which don't run in my family or my sister's husband's family, but they do run in my husband's family. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 297
You deserved it 4 263

Same thing different taste

Top comments

theonlysweetpea 10

Run a DNA test on both. Then kick ass if your poor sweet nephew is your stepson.

Maybe you're over reacting? Sorry :(


Ninjasaurus18 9

As so many people already said, blue eyes, freckles and dimples are recessive traits. They'll just pop up every few generations, after everyone else having brown, green, hazel or gray eyes, no freckles, and no dimples. I wouldn't worry too much.

Sounds like it's time to have that awkward talk!

Blue eyes, freckles, and dimples could just be recessive traits in either your family or your brother-in-law's family. While this explanation is not guaranteed, it is a possibility, and the only way to be sure is a paternity test though. All I'm saying is don't count your illegitimate children before they're hatched.

That doesn't necessarily mean anything... If you're really paranoid about it though, then yeah do what one of the first few comments said and get a test.

purplemnm 9

It's called recessive genes. Stop being stupid and paranoid.

go_Banannas0814 0

Idk who I'd be more pissed at: her or him. Run DNA before doing anything rash, but if your suspicion is correct, kick the crap out of both of them and drag his sorry ass through divorce court. Make it painful.

harowharow 3

Look on the bright side that kid must be cute

havocmike 3

hardly evidence of anything. are you a geneticist? if not, get tests done before you make accusations