By Anonymous - 11/09/2013 14:16 - United States - Portland

Today, I noticed that my car's passenger-side door has cobwebs all over it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 592
You deserved it 7 121

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's okay. The spiders are willing to be your friends and accompany you.

immunetoinsanity 23

Get your friends to clean them off! Oh wait..


Buuuurn baby burn flamethrower inferno ! *catchy tune*

I thought this was a rather pointless FML until I read the comments... Now I see why it made it.

Wipe them away and then calmly set the entire car on fire....

Don't feel bad. I rarely have anyone in my car and people over to my house. I usually meet people out.

Forever alone. Naah, just make some friends!

Start a carpool. Carpoolers are annoying, but they'll clean the door for you, in self defense.