By Anonymous - 11/09/2013 14:16 - United States - Portland

Today, I noticed that my car's passenger-side door has cobwebs all over it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 592
You deserved it 7 121

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's okay. The spiders are willing to be your friends and accompany you.

immunetoinsanity 23

Get your friends to clean them off! Oh wait..


Maybe I'm slow but either you don't have friends or you have hella large spiders camping in your car.

Been that long since someone opened that door? Or you got spiders living in your car...either way find a date or get some spider killer...

I'd feel bad... But my driver's side door is covered in cobwebs every morning and I drive for my job.

Eek. I'm not sure I could drive if I found cobwebs every morning.

RedDragonx32 8

Get a car wash... theyll take care of ur seat and the others who may never even come :)

I wanna think that maybe OP doesnt have any friends that wanna go into their car because they will have to go through spider webs. I have no problem with spiders but i mean clean it up.

RedPillSucks 31

Get the spiders to spell out "Free Ice Cream" in the web (yeah, I know cobwebs are not made by spiders)

okay, here's the most important question ever. is it on the inside or the outside? that could change everything !