By shtidsfpa - 18/06/2014 21:06 - United States - Shelby

Today, I only just found out that the abbreviation "lbs" is actually short for pounds. I've been saying "labs" my entire life. I'm 21. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 351
You deserved it 55 854

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I guess we all know you didn't pay attention in school.

I'm surprised that nobody ever corrected you before. You must have some crap friends.


Have you been living under a rock? Haha...

mearth 2

I know a girl who was raised being told tigers were lions, and that lions were tigers. Also that baked beans were peas, and that peas were beans! She still gets confused at 40 plus.

That's brilliant. Imagine the enjoyment you've given others. Go you!

Don't you go to the doctor? Don't they weigh you at the doctor? Didn't you notice how they don't say 'labs?'

Don't worry op. Can happen to anyone.

You are the type of person that makes the U.S. look bad