By shtidsfpa - 18/06/2014 21:06 - United States - Shelby

Today, I only just found out that the abbreviation "lbs" is actually short for pounds. I've been saying "labs" my entire life. I'm 21. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 351
You deserved it 55 854

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I guess we all know you didn't pay attention in school.

I'm surprised that nobody ever corrected you before. You must have some crap friends.


I used to say "ibs" cos I didn't know what it meant lmao.

xo_autumn_rose 6

You are 21 and you didn't realize that lbs is pounds? You either didn't pay any attention in school...or the pot you've been smoking is messed up. or both. YDI.

public school education at its finest

miissmm 5

Please tell me you're not in the medical field.

Don't worry I knew what it meant but I always said Ilables for who knows why.

Just a little piece of information about the unit of measurement we call "pounds." The name comes from the Latin "librepondo," which got shortened to "pondo," and then "pound." This also explains why "lb" is the abbreviation for "pound" when neither "L" nor "B" appear in "pound." And a way to remember the number of ounces in a pound: Even the abbreviation "lb" resembles its value, 16.

feel good OP , till an age of 15,16 I used to read it "elbs", (second language English)

I'm genuinely amazed not a single soul around you corrected you after 21 years