By rainedaddy - 29/09/2009 04:17 - United States

Today, I open my front door and saw a covered basket with a card from my girlfriend on it. I picked it up and read, "Hope this cheers you up." I uncovered the basket to find a golden labrador puppy. Its eyes were closed and it wasn't breathing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 73 902
You deserved it 3 177

Same thing different taste


0riginal0_0ne 0

Whoever laughed at that in the comments is pretty sick. but thats so sad D: she literally retarded so get rid of her.

sheheartsthings 0

HAHA "she literally retarded so get rid of her." The irony of that sentence is awesome. Also you can't say "literally" if it's not actually literal. I'm sure his girlfriend is not actually mentally ill.

emmibelle3 0

i think you mean mentally handicapped. if you're correcting someone else you might as well not make your own mistakes...

You forgot to capitalize the first letter of your sentences, hypocrite. "i think you mean mentally handicapped. if you're correcting someone else you might as well not make your own mistakes...".

"you might as well not make your own mistakes"... whose mistakes should they make, then?

Your girlfriend may not have actually killed it (accidentaly of course). Some babies (including puppies) are slightly defective, and pass away relatively soon after birth. Still sucks though.

lem0n_fml 0

Relatively soon after birth? Puppies aren't even supposed to leave their mothers until 6-8 weeks after birth. So unless some retarded dog breeder gave the puppy away the day it was born, I highly doubt that what you said is what actually happened.

Dead puppies aren't much fun. Tell your moron girlfriend that if she wants to deliver live presents she shouldn't use Tupperware baskets, mkay?

RubixMonkey 0

Dead puppies aren't much fun They don't come when you call They don't chase squirrels at all Dead puppies aren't much fun My puppy died late last fall He's still rotting in the hall Dead puppies aren't much fun Mom says puppy's days are through She's gonna throw him in the stew Dead puppies aren't much fun

Thank God for you, RubixMonkey! Good catch. Dr. Demento fan?

RubixMonkey 0

Hellz yea, he rocks my socks mad plaid. Ever heard the "Kill a Kitten" song by Steven Lynch. Link: Steven Lynch and Dr. Demento makes me laugh. Psycho Chicken is my favorite though. I was thinking Dead Puppies when reading this. I am not trying to be heartless, it is very wrong the puppy died. Op, I am sorry.

sbarre1 0

I'm pretty sure the basket was probably covered with cloth or something. If it was saran wrap, it would have probably said "I unwrapped the basket".... Maybe the dog was just sick? Puppies get sick and die pretty often. OR, the whole thing is fake. :)

This is the worst thing I have ever read. Ever. This legitimately ruined my day.

sheheartsthings 0

You should read some of the ones about kittens.

SydneyySayys 0

I agree... this is terrible. I'm sorry you had to see it. :/ I don't know what I would do...

Yeah, like the one where OP had to clean up regurgitated kittens. That was all sorts of ****** up.

A. Who the heck leaves a puppy, which could run away, in a basket hoping it will stay? It would do much better it, I don't know, a pet carrier? B. Puppies do die a lot when they're little. C. Between the few minutes of her putting puppy in basket and the OP opening basket (for lack of a better term), it DIES? Bullshit.

A) Think a picnic basket. It's got a top the puppy get lift. C) It could have been a few hours. My guess is that the GF left it out in the cold without knowing how sensitive a puppy can be to temperature. Then when the BF comes out to get it a couple of hours later it's died of hypothermia.

he lives in Texas!!! where do you get COLD from ??

crap09 0

Y'know, not all of Texas is a desert. It can actually get pretty chilly at night there. So, the poor little puppy could of died overnight. To the OP, sucks, that's the type of dog I've always wanted. Poor little thing.

sasquatch81 0

even if it was a desert it would still get cold a night... the only thing that would shed more light on this FML is knowing how long the puppy was left outside for.

Ok, she left it on the doorstep. If it was live at any point it would have probably run away, so I'm assuming she meant it to be dead.

unless it was ill and she didn't realize it.

lem0n_fml 0

Even if it was ill and she didn't realize it, why would she leave a puppy (who she assumes is healthy) in a basket, where it can easily (assuming it's not ill) climb out at run away?

AnnaBL4473 0

It was covered. Perhaps it had some sort of latch to keep the puppy from opening it? idk