By Anonymous - 22/12/2010 08:01 - United States

Today, I overheard my husband telling my step-dad that I have the same ability to sniff out chocolate in a house as a certain animal has to find truffles in the woods. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 308
You deserved it 6 489

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you have a super power. don't let it go to your thighs..uh I mean head

catkat1988 17

lol, aw, that sounds exactly like something my boyfriend would've said about me. Don't worry, though, he probably meant it in a loving way.


must have some bloodhound in you. somewhere down your family tree you great great great grandma was a dog lol

I_Hate_PDA 0

Truffles are actually sniffed out by pigs, not dogs.

They sometimes use dogs as well! The white labrador kind.

I take it then that you're upset your husband was preaching to the choir.

A. You can't get mad at the truth B. Your stepfather probably already knew But really, re-read A. It's not as if he actually called you a pig and I'm assuming he didn't threaten to divorce you unless you lost some weight. Lighten up (figuratively, of course).

Yeah, and? If he was actually whining about it, then you have a problem. It sounds to me like they were just joking around.

Isn't that a compliment? I don't have that superpower, but I'm not crazy about chocolate.

Well ydi for being a hog with chocolate...

You and every other woman. If that's the most FML-worthy thing you have going on in your life, I would say you have things pretty good.

The point of FML is not to post things like "Today, my dog died in my arms, my husband left me, the bank foreclosed on my house, my parents divorced, and an asteroid is heading towards Earth to wipe out mankind. FML" Who the hell wants to read that? The purpose is to post minor annoyances so that people can make fun of you and your idiocy.

God damnit, I've been waiting forever for a story like that, Doc. What a waste of time.

it's not a super power, but at least you have a talent. get back to us after he comments on your sex drive. " she goes down on me like a pig at a trough " "she rides me like she stole me" etc...