By Anonymous - 22/12/2010 08:01 - United States

Today, I overheard my husband telling my step-dad that I have the same ability to sniff out chocolate in a house as a certain animal has to find truffles in the woods. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 308
You deserved it 6 489

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you have a super power. don't let it go to your thighs..uh I mean head

catkat1988 17

lol, aw, that sounds exactly like something my boyfriend would've said about me. Don't worry, though, he probably meant it in a loving way.


ulicksam 0

He's not calling you a pig. He's saying you can sniff out chocolate. I bet people have to walk on egg shells around you. Lighten up.

visage 0

Easy there fatty. Don't get your king sized granny's all bunched up!

jiggyjiggz 0

What's with the rubs chubs? Roll yourself over to the freezer and get another scoop of Ben and Jerry's. you will feel better. I promise.

skyeyez9 24

It's not a sniffing ability. But An "I know all the hiding spots my husband uses to try and hide the chocolate from me" skill. This develops during childhood, when you search the house to see where your parents hid the christmas gifts.