By slenderman908 - 10/12/2012 11:41 - United States - Ann Arbor

Today, I overheard my parents fighting about who has been the most loyal. I found out my Dad has cheated twice, and is still the most faithful of the two. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 428
You deserved it 2 023

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well at least they're honest with each other.

Sounds like mom gets around. Sorry Op FYL


Not dead. Thirty-five years faithful for me - and counting.

Can you be positive he is actually your dad?

RedPillSucks 31

He's the dad if he helped raise OP.

more faithful* You can't be "most anything" in a group of two. Damned pet peeve.

Yea, damned superlatives, why can't anyone get them right! It's like the more annoying thing I've ever read!


If you can't be most out of two, can you be the most out of one? I.E. "I'm the most awesome me ever."

You're implying there are more than two of you by saying it that way, though.


Well, perhaps there are multiple of me.

I bet it drives you crazy when you're at the store's checkout and it reads: 10 items or less vs 10 items or fewer.


Oh really? If you could quantify ten items, people wouldn't show up with more, therefore, items in a store are not quantifiable and require the word 'less' rather than 'fewer'.


For those who cannot tell. That is purely satire, making fun of the people who show up to the ten items or fewer check-stand with fifty items.

From my knowledge less is for mass nouns, items you can't count. So, it's "less shit on my face" because I can't count for shit. Hehe.

winkydog4056 16

How can anyone deserve to hear their parents fighting about who has been the worst *****?

dustyb90 4

Exact reason I stay single. People don't know how to stay faithful anymore.

dustyb90 4

That's the thing, I always seem to think I am. I guess I am a poor judge of character.

Thing is, that such a general statement leads to nowhere. First of all it's just not true because I and many others will never cheat; I have no reason to, I'm fulfilled. I hope you find someone: faithful people do exist. I guess it's kind of just luck and determination.


Don't worry. Faithfulness is still out there. Just find it. (Look in the right places is the main thing).

Obey_StudBoii 23

Faithful? Hmm sounds like he needs to go look that definition up In the dictionary.


The father is more faithful than the mother is what he means. Therefore, the mother has cheated at least three times.


In pain comes understanding. We must now go to Slender Woods to help Slenderman through his problems... Who knows what happens to those kidnapped...

KaskStunter 4

As long as they take precautions...

I'm going though the same thing right now. It sucks