By 21yearoldvirgin - 01/05/2009 09:46 - United States
21yearoldvirgin tells us more.
Just to clarify/answer all the questions, I did go with friends, I was on the end of the line of friends. And I was one of the last to show up, people got there 2 hours early. And I do live in CA. Movies are expensive. Like others said though, I don't think it ruined my life, it was just an unlucky occurrence. And yes he did smell lol. And not that it matters, but I'm a girl. And a wimp. ;)
Top comments
Stop whining. That's happened to me too, I just ignored the guy.
Thats some bull shit man. Why didnt you tell him to shut the **** up. its not that complicated. Or you could have asked the usher to kick him out? public intoxication is not legal dude.
Actually, it is. At least it is here.
Should have gotten his drunk ass thrown out. Or tell him to STFU. But at least he wasn't homeless and cutting his toenails next to you.
@19 I went to a Wolverine midnight show and I had to get there 2 hours early to get a decent seat. I had a similar experience last night only the douchebags next to me weren't drunk, just assholes. Along with the dumbass w/ the cellphone in front of me. I must've told the assholes next to me to STFU 10 times and they just kept on being ignorant. It's not worth it to spend $10/ticket and $15-20 at the concession stand just to sit and listen to a moron blabbing for 2 hours. And even if you get an usher, all they do is tell them to be quiet. Then they start right up again when the usher leaves.
#20 what that happens you just gotta bite em in the ear to show em their place, like with dogs..
lol that happened to my mom once - except the minute the dude sat down she said i dont think so and made him leave.
Who arrives an hour early to see a movie these days?
Should have taken a friend to fill the seat next to you. If you need sympathy find a dictionary it is somewhere between shit and syphilis.