By 21yearoldvirgin - 01/05/2009 09:46 - United States
21yearoldvirgin tells us more.
Just to clarify/answer all the questions, I did go with friends, I was on the end of the line of friends. And I was one of the last to show up, people got there 2 hours early. And I do live in CA. Movies are expensive. Like others said though, I don't think it ruined my life, it was just an unlucky occurrence. And yes he did smell lol. And not that it matters, but I'm a girl. And a wimp. ;)
Top comments
you deserved it because you paid to see wolverine.
Jesus. It's Wolverine. There is NOTHING, I repeat, NOTHING wrong with Wolverine. There is, however, something wrong with you.
You could have asked him to please be quiet, and if he still wouldn't shut up complain to the theater manager and have him thrown out. YDI if you didnt try to do anything about it for 2 hours...but if it cheers you up, I saw that movie yesterday and it wasn't very good.
its okay, that movie sucked dicks anyway.
aws. that sucks. couldn't the cinema ushers have done something about it? ;s i was going to go see that movie, haven't yet though. ;o
This is where you make good use of the ol' falcon punch =]
that movie was pretty shitty, i downloaded online. some of the cgi was missing but i could imagine what it would have looked like, wasn't anything special.
Who arrives an hour early to see a movie these days?
Should have taken a friend to fill the seat next to you. If you need sympathy find a dictionary it is somewhere between shit and syphilis.