By 21yearoldvirgin - 01/05/2009 09:46 - United States
21yearoldvirgin tells us more.
Just to clarify/answer all the questions, I did go with friends, I was on the end of the line of friends. And I was one of the last to show up, people got there 2 hours early. And I do live in CA. Movies are expensive. Like others said though, I don't think it ruined my life, it was just an unlucky occurrence. And yes he did smell lol. And not that it matters, but I'm a girl. And a wimp. ;)
Top comments
Wait... Your life is ****** because someone is talking during a movie? Ok let's see what we've got here: 1) Wedding ruined because the groom slept in 2) An adopted child finally meeting their real parents who end up not caring 3) Talking during a movie I gotta tell you folks, this entry sure ranks up with the classics... I mean if you're life is ****** because someone talked during a movie, what's next? FML for having a stubbed toe? FML because you're out of butter?
the theater employees would have kicked him out, or given you a voucher if you had complained after
#26 I remember that. I remember losing faith in humanity over said dumbass. Common sense anyone?
You can get a refund if you get up and walk out. Or you could have gone to get an usher and told him someone was ruining the product YOU paid for. Loser.
And that's why I don't pay to see movies in theaters anymore. Netflix for the win.
Who arrives an hour early to see a movie these days?
Should have taken a friend to fill the seat next to you. If you need sympathy find a dictionary it is somewhere between shit and syphilis.