By lostcar - 26/05/2009 05:39 - United States

Today, I parked my car in a garage that cost $13 for every 10 minutes past 10 o'clock. When I came back to the garage at 10, I had forgotten where I parked it and spent an hour looking for it. I paid $78 to lose my car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 822
You deserved it 41 826

Same thing different taste

Top comments

wtf kind of parking garage charges $13 for every 10 minutes? thats ******* ridiculous

CryingHowls 0

what kind of parking lot is that?! so expensive! parking is free in philippines and rates are charged hourly or every 30 minutes in hong kong (random fact: an hour's parking is 12 pennies) 13 bucks for 10 minutes is pretty intense. It's over a dollar for every minute wtf!


lostinediting 0

Ugh, this kind of thing happens to me sometimes--It got so bad a few years ago that I had to start drawing a map of where I parked my car.

Luneth101 0

There normally would have been some sort of marking system in the parking garage.

Norther 1

mabey they takes 1,3$ instead.....

that is so fake no parking garage pays $13 for $10 min

Things don't always work perfectly.. Don't plan things down to the last minute.

Tobamf 18

That is impressive. Also, thanks for the badge :)

You should think of it as spending $78 to FIND your car

I've done that. But I hadn't parked it in that kind of parking garage, and I certainly didn't spend an hour looking for it.

Epickitty58 29

Yeesh. They're greedy. $1.33 per minute. Can you say rip-off?