By lostcar - 26/05/2009 05:39 - United States

Today, I parked my car in a garage that cost $13 for every 10 minutes past 10 o'clock. When I came back to the garage at 10, I had forgotten where I parked it and spent an hour looking for it. I paid $78 to lose my car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 822
You deserved it 41 826

Same thing different taste

Top comments

wtf kind of parking garage charges $13 for every 10 minutes? thats ******* ridiculous

CryingHowls 0

what kind of parking lot is that?! so expensive! parking is free in philippines and rates are charged hourly or every 30 minutes in hong kong (random fact: an hour's parking is 12 pennies) 13 bucks for 10 minutes is pretty intense. It's over a dollar for every minute wtf!


christopherlove 0

I love so many people assume that everybody has an electric clicker. I've owned five cars in my life, and none of mine nor my parents cars when I lived at home ever had an electric clicker. Also, #5, I have no idea what you're saying. Easily point to your car using a pen on your arm?

thekraken 0

Kind of reminds me of that Seinfeld episode where they spend the entire episode looking for their car in a parking garage.

fml1358 0

lol that's hilarious. but that is SOOOOOO expensive for a parking garage. and how the hell do you lose a ******* car?

clams_rule0002 0

unfortunatly, it seems as if its too late for the panic button to work ;)

poolshark 0

#46/47: READ the comments that precede yours. People have already mentioned panic buttons and other (smarter) people have already pointed out that only newer cars have electronic keys. (On the same note @#44- I quoted that very episode earlier).

What place charges $13 for every 10 minutes past 10? You must be on crack for even parking there.