By Lorus - 23/08/2011 07:30 - United States

Today, I passed a kidney stone. This is the third one in two years. I'm only 23. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 821
You deserved it 5 479

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Joshoa123 16


Chetcarrion 0

suck it up. my sis is 18 and she has passed lije 13 or 14. grow some balls and deal with it.

Healthier diet maybe? They must hurt a lot, ouch...

Hasn't your doctor told you to drink more water?

linnie44 0

So? I'm 15 and I've had 2 colonoscopies and might be going in for a third. But fyl.

krissy95_fml 0

im 16 and that's happened to me multipul times. i'd love to be 23 and say i've only passed 2. but i know how you feel. :(

konman57 1
SpookyInk 5

Dude you need to go check yourself out to a doctor. That's not healthy at all.

SpookyInk 5

As if those are as painful as kidney stones. LOL