By Lorus - 23/08/2011 07:30 - United States

Today, I passed a kidney stone. This is the third one in two years. I'm only 23. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 821
You deserved it 5 479

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Joshoa123 16


puppydog 12

I had 3 in one year when I was 16, I'm not overweight, I don't smoke or drink very much soda. Sometimes you just have awful luck and family history. :/

...kidney stones can be hereditary. I only drink water, and have a healthy diet, and it still happens to me. I'm also only 23.

TheRealEllieSan 9

My then-9yr old brother passed 3 within a month and a half, stop complaining.

samiam101 0

Feel ur pain but ease up on the bad diet OP

Dude that does suck, but it's not that bad. My friend has had three kidney stones in a year, and she's only sixteen. It's a genetic thing with her, so it probably is for you too.

DirtyPicture_fml 0
DirtyPicture_fml 0

Drink a beer every now and then and you will be fine! The alcohol cleans our your kidneys... Just don't drink it too much bc it can harm your liver.