By Lorus - 23/08/2011 07:30 - United States

Today, I passed a kidney stone. This is the third one in two years. I'm only 23. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 821
You deserved it 5 479

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Joshoa123 16


Bently24 6

My aunt has had kidney stones for the past five years and they wont go away

I've passed two in three years. I'm 19.

That's not bad.. I'm 14 and I've passed two.

kaye448 0

Just passed my fourth in three years, I'm only 19. I win (sort of)

Ajhannan24 0

And this is why u dont take creatine

I know a six teen year old who had one so yeah

crystal0renee 0

I've passed five and I'm only 19. I ONLY drink cranberry juice and water

Sammi_d96 5

My sister is only 17 and has passed 3 and two more are forming

sellison 1

That's nothing. I'm 16 and I've already had one! The doctors think there's more to come.

neoncookie16 0