By Anonymous - 05/05/2009 21:42 - Canada

Today, I pissed my younger brother off. Seemingly unrelated to this was the fact that I left my laptop on in my room along with MSN signed into my email adress. Now, all my contacts know that I apparently "just love the warm feeling of semen sliding down my throat". FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 846
You deserved it 32 941

Same thing different taste

Top comments

who cares? its not hard to say 'that was my brother' and noone will take it seriously...


Oh! That's who started "FWD: just love the warm feeling..."

adrenochrome_fml 0

HAHA. FYL, seriously. Revenge's a bitch

mk1o3o 0

Fine. i can see how ppl could press "YDI"

Haha well maybe you shouldnt piss your brother off. and if you do, dont leave your laptop laying around. genious.

proxay 0

Window button + L. Learn it. love it. use it. if you are confused as to what that does, it locks windows and you have to enter your p/w to get back in. if you haven't p/w protected your comp in a household with a younger bro, then YDI.

jaeilssanguh 0

Make up a story, the gayer the better, but from observer's perspective. If you can't, just kick his ass.

But thats how kids are making online friends these days! :{D