By yum yogurt - 30/10/2011 20:15 - United States

Today, I punched myself in the face while trying to eat a GoGurt. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 455
You deserved it 17 143

Same thing different taste

Top comments

boredblonde 17

definitely worth it, gogurts are the best!


Hammer940 7
jewel_blonde211 0

OMG IVE DONE THAT BEFORE !!!!!!!!!! ... i mean .... you're smart ........ :P

It didn't occur to you to go get scissors if you can't open it?

rroxie124 5
skyeyez9 24

if your face is hurtin try punching yourself in the stomach to get the pain away from your face

poppylamonzo 0

I've done that waaaaay too many times.....