By NoLife - 15/05/2011 18:49 - United States

Today, I purposely went offline on Facebook chat, just so people would think I actually have a life. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 081
You deserved it 34 726

Same thing different taste

Top comments

iAmScrubs 19

The people on chat are also on Facebook. If you don't have a life, they don't have one.

No one keeps track of how often you're online or offline unless they too have no life.


emmiep1011 7

I'd say get off Facebook but everyone here's either on a computer or phone too. just saying

Samko_chan 5
jz69 0

lol I have done the same thing before

paradiseisland01 0

then get off your fat ass and find some real friends , and actually talk to them in person , instead from a computer, Seriously what would you guys do of there wasn't a computer around, ? Maybe you would at least use a telephone , or go to there house and chat. this whole computer bull crap really starting to suck very badly . No human contact with each other only by computer. that's really saying what a pure loss for human contact with real people. life does go on without a computer.

It all depends if you have friends to talk to.