By NoLife - 15/05/2011 18:49 - United States

Today, I purposely went offline on Facebook chat, just so people would think I actually have a life. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 081
You deserved it 34 726

Same thing different taste

Top comments

iAmScrubs 19

The people on chat are also on Facebook. If you don't have a life, they don't have one.

No one keeps track of how often you're online or offline unless they too have no life.


jvmockingbird 0

I always go offline...isn't that what it's for?

MilanKing 0

that was actually funny, how pathetic are you :)

JessicaHearts 3

I always do that. haha but if people are online enough to see how often you are online, they're just as guilty.

It's odd when people say that if you spend a lot of time on Facebook, you don't have a life. I would safely say that more then half of my friends who are more into the "popular crowd" and who go out to parties and such are online at any given moment that I am. It makes sense; more of a life= more statuses to post and pictures to upload.

can you say FML if you're only pretending to have one?... ' . '

63- yet I see on every fml I look at, you comment on it... I thought you had a life.

rachhmoo 0