By lolmyfduplife - 24/12/2015 06:10

Today, I put my 5 month-old daughter in her swinging chair and walked into the kitchen to make her a bottle. When I came back, she was giggling because the dog was licking her face. It would have been cute, picture worthy even, if I actually had a dog. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 699
You deserved it 2 097

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dog turned out to be friendly so its still kinda cute even though its not ur dog.

At least the dog was friendly and in the holiday sprit! :D


At first I interpreted this FML as meaning there was a ghost dog or a hallucinated dog.

I doubt the five month old was keeping a dog a secret though. I too am curious as to how this happened. Maybe they have a cat door and the dog was small enough to come in that way? Or OP accidentally left the front or back door open. Those are my best guesses. If it's the latter, she's lucky it was just a friendly dog that came into her house and not something--or someone--meaner.

Wow. That is really weird. And to the paranoid commenter above: I have lived almost 30 years letting my dogs lick me in the face and never once have I gotten sick or had parasites. Calm down.

Xquisite1 28

I don't think you will get sick. For me personally it's the gross factor. Some dogs eat their own feces & the idea of having them lick my face after they've licked themselves or consumed feces sickens me. To each is own though.

At least the dog seems friendly. Your daughter is just making friends!

At least it wasn't the Bumpus' hounds stealing your turkey dinner.

Plot twist, the dog was actually an uncle!