By lolmyfduplife - 24/12/2015 06:10

Today, I put my 5 month-old daughter in her swinging chair and walked into the kitchen to make her a bottle. When I came back, she was giggling because the dog was licking her face. It would have been cute, picture worthy even, if I actually had a dog. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 699
You deserved it 2 097

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dog turned out to be friendly so its still kinda cute even though its not ur dog.

At least the dog was friendly and in the holiday sprit! :D


fpants2010 18

Who's dog was it? At least it was gentle with your baby!

If it's a stray give him/her a home. it's obvious they love your baby you can't ask for better.

I don't get it. real dog? imaginary dog? ghost dog? I'm confused

I actually thought ghost dog. I don't know why people thumbed you down. I'm asking myself the same question.

It's your Christmas gift OP! No but seriously that's really weird. What kind of dog was it? lol

I wish a dog would come into my house and make itself at home. Then my folks would have to keep it.

I kept a stray cat in my house for a while without my mom noticing. Once she found out she then wanted it out so I put it in our backyard and now it lives in the backyard and I still feed it and play with it and bring the cat in the house sometimes. It's surprisingly pretty easy to keep a secret like that.

skyeyez9 24

I was at my cousins house for the first time, and an australian shepherd walked up to her front door, scratching it to be let inside. I opened the door to let her in, and commented how she has a cute dog.....she told me she doesnt have a dog. It was the neighbors dog, who have young kids. The dog goes to her house for peace and quiet, and even has a worn trail where she walks from her house to my cousin's.

That's so funny! Poor dog just wants to take a nap. It's nice of your cousin to accommodate him. We all need the kindness of a stranger from time to time, animal and human alike.

*neighbor not stranger. Don't know why I said "stranger."

Denise1988 13

Aww, good luck with the new pup! I won't adopt a dog because you never know if they're good with kids but it looks like you found one.