By DDubs - 08/01/2010 03:30 - United Kingdom

Today, I realised that I have fallen for the most amazing girl. She's good looking, has a great personality, she's funny and is a hit with all my friends but she doesn't seem to realise she has a body odor problem. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 882
You deserved it 6 198

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you're so into her, and she's so amazing, you should be able to have a mature conversation about it without insulting her.

eww, give her a "friendly basket" fill with deo soap perfume and everything that smells nice she will be greatfull an might use it so she won't hurt your feelings lol if she dosent use it then ask her about it. if not then stick a car deo on her back when she's not looking lol


My little sister has no sense of smell, and so she makes us all smell her and her clothes before she goes out, lol. Could you imagine if the OP's girl had the same problem and a really mean family? I agree with number 36! Take showers with her!


Buy her some perfume... Problem solved.

mandi625 0

don't make such a big deal out of this. that's something she can get rid of. if she's so amazing as you say, don't lose her. you don't find a girl like that everyday.

guess you can't have everything greedy guts!

ricosan 0

Um... sorry but as long as she passes the 3 S's. Sexy, Sane, & Single it's game on. Stop crying, buy some Lady Speedstick, and go get your woman.

A woman at work has breath that smells like shit. She's retired, but she won't quit. She has a maggot face and she messed-up the data base.

Scubadiver172001 0

#70 you sound like a real bitch

As a girl who would be deeply embarrassed by having a body oder problem, it would proberly be best if you privately and quietly had words with her. If you like her as much as you say, I'm sure it wouldn't be a bad move on your part. You don't need to go into details, just say that you and a couple of others had noticed that her deodorant doesn't seem to be working properly and that you thought she might want to know. She'll proberly be embarrassed, but in the long run (as long as your not mean about it) she'll proberly really appreciate it. I've had to do this with a friend, its better to help them know and sort it than leave them to figure it out on their own. And sometimes that can take a *while*... However, if after the convosation she continues to smell without caring, I advise moving on.

is it that chick in the class about 3 posts below you?