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By Anonymous - 03/04/2012 14:16 - Australia - Sandringham

Today, I realised that I only get dandruff when I'm stressed about having dandruff. Which is whenever I have dandruff. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 214
You deserved it 4 247

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ardos 3

To break the cycle, you must forget about what dandruff is.

K_kanaka 26

That sounds very......frustrating.


natewilson 9

Then shave your ******* head you ******* moron.

First off all before you talk about somebody spelling you need to check your looks because baby I'll get you straight ...

Ummm...not sure u can just "think up" flakes. Sounds like you're either going too long without shampooing or u need a dandruff shampoo. If you don't think about the flakes until they're present, then you're not making them appear. You're forgetting to take the steps to prevent them in the first place. In other words, you're forgetting TO think abt dandruff. Remember to think abt it, then you'll remember to moisturize and shampoo regularly. Then no more dandruff!

Having a dandruff problem, i feel your pain op. I refuse to use head and shoulders again as it encouraged hair loss for me. I've now switched to home remedies to deal with mine, and quite frankly its more contained. Try coconut oil if you aren't allergic to coconut.

yscpunkchick 14

Yo dawg, I hear you hate dandruff, so I'm gonna give you dandruff when you get stressed about having dandruff when you have dandruff!

SengBoi 0

Yo dawg, I heard you liked dandruff, so I put dandruff in your dandruff, when you have dandruff.

realiZed is spelt with a fricken Z not an S get it right please!!!

eddyg94 11

An interesting point you've raised there my friend. Unfortunately you are wrong. S or Z depends on which side of the Atlantic you hail from. But if you'd like to make a definitive rule on it, then I believe English English came first, so feel free to climb out of your own arse and use an S.

snnoell_18 1

a never ending paradox, my friend.