By Garry - 04/03/2010 12:43 - United Kingdom

Today, I realised that my staff doesn't take me seriously. I walked in on my chef, who had just spent an hour and half carving a block of cheese to make cheddar goggles for himself. When I confronted him, he pulled up his t-shirt to reveal a cocktail sausage taped to his stomach. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 989
You deserved it 5 751

Same thing different taste

Top comments

YDI for not appreciating the art of perfectly sculpted cheddar goggles.

123sploosh 0

can someone please explain this to me? i dont know what its talking about


grow some balls and fire people. I wonder if your staff can spell better than you can.

omgwtffmmfl 0

Grow a pair and RUN your restaurant.

Staff is a collective noun, there is more than one person within the group. Think of it like a pride of lions, you would say "The pride of lions don't eat vegetables" not "The pride of lions doesn't eat vegetables".

cantfightfate 0

yes it is. you have one staff, made up of so many people. Doesn't is correct

lionandthelamb61 9

I work in a restaurant and my manager is practically illiterate. I have found that to have a high position in a restaurant you need little more than good work ethics and people skills...not too many brain cells involved

1. I had to really think to understand this FML 2. fire the prick 3. grow a pair and run your restaurant

KurouTenshi 0

I can see why they don't take you seriously, you have horrible grammar. and does this guy have a thing for taking cream, smearing it under your nose and yelling "Sour Cream Sanchez! Olay!!"?

thisisEffDup 0

epic fail. completely made up.

If you have ever worked in a kitchen, or know someone who has, or read any 'foodie' behind-the-scenes in a kitchen books, you'd know that this is completely possible. Stranger things have happened in the restaurants where my friends work. I, however, must say that I find the idea of 'cheddar googles' extremely hilarious. I have no idea how OP kept a straight face.

youthink_fml 0

My god some of you people are stupid. Staff - there's only one staff. It's singular. The staff DOESN'T ......