By Garry - 04/03/2010 12:43 - United Kingdom

Today, I realised that my staff doesn't take me seriously. I walked in on my chef, who had just spent an hour and half carving a block of cheese to make cheddar goggles for himself. When I confronted him, he pulled up his t-shirt to reveal a cocktail sausage taped to his stomach. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 989
You deserved it 5 751

Same thing different taste

Top comments

YDI for not appreciating the art of perfectly sculpted cheddar goggles.

123sploosh 0

can someone please explain this to me? i dont know what its talking about


Your staff doesn't take you seriously? Hm.... Is this a show? Is it called "The Restaurant" ?? Can we expect an American version?

OK, seriously, for those of you complaining about his usage of don't instead of doesn't, he's from the UK. In UK English, staff is a collective noun and therefore treated as the plural.

People are easier to hire now. Fire him.

ryguy997 0

Your staff would probably take you more seriously if you were more fluent in your own language.

That sounds hilarious. I would love to see that.

musicmanman 0

maybe if you could use the English language correctly they would.

I would not respect a boss who complains on FML instead of taking appropriate measures. If any of your employees see this FML, they'll take you even less seriously. YDI.

How can anyone take you seriously with those misspelled words?

"Alcoholism is the only disease that people can yell at you for having. 'Dammit, Otto, you're an alcoholic!' 'Dammit, Otto, you have lupus!' One of those just doesn't sound right." -The late and great Mitch Hedberg