By Garry - 04/03/2010 12:43 - United Kingdom

Today, I realised that my staff doesn't take me seriously. I walked in on my chef, who had just spent an hour and half carving a block of cheese to make cheddar goggles for himself. When I confronted him, he pulled up his t-shirt to reveal a cocktail sausage taped to his stomach. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 989
You deserved it 5 751

Same thing different taste

Top comments

YDI for not appreciating the art of perfectly sculpted cheddar goggles.

123sploosh 0

can someone please explain this to me? i dont know what its talking about


it's doesn't not don't honey no wonder they don't respect you

shopfitch 7

I can see why they don't take you seriously. Look at your grammar. " staff dont take me seriously."

All the wanna-be grammar Nazis out here: The word, "staff," can also be used in plural form. What the poster said was actually correct.

iBiteRoses 22

Sweetie, that's not "grammar," that's "punctuation." There is a difference, which you should know if you're trying to call someone on their errors.

Punctuation is a sub-set of grammar in general. :)

And, actually, you are quite wrong, anyway: Grammar comprises precisely the issue we are attempting to address here.

They probably don't take you seriously because you said my staff "don't" instead of doesn't. With that grammar usage, I wouldn't respect you either!

eddyg94 11

'Staff' is a singular word, but can also be taken as 'staff members', so really you're just being an arse.

c_tuck 0

Delegate and take charge. If you are the boss then prove it. You did it to yourself for allowing them to get away with it. People only treat you how u allow them to. Give respect, but also, demand it in return. Plenty of people NEED jobs right now so start start playing the "your fired" card. I bet they act right real quick.

Make him pay for the cheese, then we'll see who's taking you seriously.

Doesn't, not don't, get proper grammar, then maybe they will take you seriously.