By muddled - 02/05/2012 06:16 - United States - Joliet

Today, I realized I have more in common with a cantaloupe than I do with my boyfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 904
You deserved it 5 136

Same thing different taste

Top comments


wanna_bee 8

Hmmm. I'm pretty sure she is just comparing her breasts(and I say that because the word boob means idiot)to the cantaloupe. Large and round. With large ****. :) Enjoy your cantaloupes miss because they will serve you well with the men.

LoveOfHate 4

You're humans, and you share the same earth, the same sky, the same ground. You also have skin, eyes, a nose, a mouth, elbows, and knees. Cantaloupes don't.

Are cantaloupes from a different earth?

LoveOfHate 4
perdix 29

Sounds like you and your boyfriend are both losers who are settling for each other to avoid being alone. Good thing cantaloupe can't talk -- it would say, "The hell you are like me in any way!"

ArielTheMermaid 17
Jessj958 19

What could you possibly have in common with a cantaloupe that you don't have with an actual human being? Maybe I'm missing something here...