By ericabearr - 18/11/2013 20:14 - United States - Nacogdoches

Today, I realized I need to start hitting the gym, when my boyfriend actually utilized my love handles during sex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 758
You deserved it 11 607

ericabearr tells us more.

ericabearr 10

Yes I am aware that "that's what they're there for." I personally do not want them there. They make me self conscious. I'm choosing to go to the gym on my own and not for my boyfriend. He tells me I'm beautiful regardless of how I feel about myself. Maybe he can fun something new to grab onto though! Haha! Thanks for the comments though y'all! :)

Top comments

That's why their called "love handles", but if you feel the need to improve your body, do it because you want to, not because you have to


Hey op! unless you are really seriously overweight (i.e. effecting your health) i would hate you to think you MUST loose weight. But if you want to get in better shape, good for you! No need to be ashamed, be inspired to change instead :)

Don't be ashamed, love handles can be sexy.

Beepbeep7 14

A wise man once said "fat is where it's at,thin is where it's been."

I personally am I fan of them, OP, you don't need to be ashamed of your body, as someone before me said, he loves you enough to make love with you, so he clearly thinks you're beautiful. And again as someone above me said, if you loose weight, do It because you want to, not because you feel like you need to due to someone else. I'm sure your boyfriend loves you just the way you are! (:

reymon8823 24

Grabbing onto a womans love handles isn't a bad thing more cushion for the pushing

He clearly finds you attractive, love handles and all. And plenty of dudes like a little meat on a girl, even prefer it.

Yeah, it's not about what he thinks though. If OP is only hoping to tone up/lose weight because of what her boyfriend thinks, I would strongly ask her to reconsider whether she wants to be in a relationship with somebody who makes her feel bad about her body. If she's doing it because she wants to, then fair enough. She can do whatever she wants with her body. I hope that she doesn't feel pressure to do it because of her partner or what society thinks and is doing it just for herself.

Ever think he might not want a girl thats nothing but skin and bone? I mean that looks down right unhealthy too. No wonder people **** up their lives so easily anymore. They jump the gun aka jump to conclusions. damn.

Going to the gym doesn't mean she's automatically going to become "skin and bone". Also, even if she did become skinny, why should that mean he wouldn't want her anymore? That'd be pretty shallow of him.