By MeanMother - 28/06/2012 20:29 - United States - Saint Louis

Today, I realized just how much of a bitch I am when I grounded my son for not telling me what he got me for my birthday. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 963
You deserved it 91 222

Same thing different taste

Top comments


jillybee101 7

Why is this on FML?? How does your life suck because of this? YDI for posting this.

BubbleGrunge 18

You sound like my mother. She is a sad, sad woman. Your kid is going to grow up to dislike you very much if you keep it up.

Parents these's all or nothing. Either too much discipline or not enough. /facepalm

Mom deserves to have her Vibrator stolen...

Perhaps he can bury it in the kitty litter box? :P

Can't imagine what your son had been through in those 9 months.

Now I'm waiting for that to show up hahaha