By Anonymous - 09/07/2013 17:11 - United States - Romulus
Same thing different taste
By Anonymous - 06/02/2017 21:00 - Canada - Jansen
By Anon - 21/04/2009 18:21 - United States
By Lifeless - 15/08/2010 08:42 - United States
Profile pictures
By Anonymous - 21/06/2024 00:00 - United States - Macon
By HeatoN - 22/12/2008 01:44 - Germany
Don't cheat
By Anonymous - 04/08/2024 12:00 - Canada
By dylanhollis - 17/01/2014 12:49 - United States - San Antonio
By hayleediaz - 16/07/2015 17:03 - United States - Los Angeles
Why do people do this?
By Anonymous - 11/10/2019 04:00 - United States
By fuglyphotographer - 23/10/2011 18:05 - United Kingdom
Top comments
They probably think you're a vampire. You will be a big hit with twilight fans.
Nah dude, he would have to sparkle too.
Lets not make the twilight problem bigger than it already is by giving op ideas shall we?
Seriously OP? Online dating? You deserve it. Time to come out of mums basement
Yup. Beauty is only skin deep.
Sadly, most of the time, they're not..
That's because they think you're mysterious without a picture? Maybe use a different picture. Shoulders back, big smile, good lighting, some photos just aren't flattering
Do you think op would pick a bad photo for this? Before it was a lot of people that said yes to a blank photo but now she knows that the people who said yes like her looks too.
Yeah. A lot of guys don't know how to take flattering pictures. They mug the camera, post shirtless pics while mugging the camera, post pics of them doing stupid things, blurry/ bad quality pics, pics of them in a club doing some stupid hand sign, etc. It's no wonder people don't find them flattering.
Right 88, just like how girls make the dumbest facial expressions in pics, for example the duck face.
Time to start photoshopping yourself!....but really, don't do that.
Ugh, imagine turning up to a date with someone you met online and finding out they've photoshopped all their pictures.
Lol I know, I'm sure that's never happened before. :P
Honestly, professionals can photograph anyone and make him look awesome (without editing it afterwards that is). I hate myself in most pics, many of them taken by friends or family who don't know any tricks. I don't either but I don't ever take pictures. And sometimes it really all boils down to how much your camera cost. In the end, I really think OP just picked a bad photo of her (don't know why), and should really look for a better photo. In places like weddings or other kinds of fancy parties the photographers are usually superb and if you look around you're guaranteed to find a photo of you that looks good.
That must be hard to face.
lol you again ;) with them puns and shit
Yes, that's usually what I do... It's not as if this is a new thing.
I should really set up a dating profile, then!
I'm afraid the old ball and chain would get jealous!
let's check your FML profile and see if the same thing is happeni-- oh, nevermind.
I went up to the top of the page when I saw this to look at her and nothing to see here...
aawww op dont lose faith. theres someone for everyone. keep your picture up. you gonna want someone whos going to appreciate your beauty. steer clear of the shallow ones
Work out a lot, get a better haircut, do a skincare regime. Tons of things you can do, entirely your fault. Man or Woman.
thats funny because i looked at your profile it doesnt look like you go to a gym yourself... it also says your single
Genetics might be responsible for OP's issue, therefore it's not necessarily "entirely" his or her fault. Just like your receding and/or lack of a chin, it's not your fault for having it. Well, I guess if you work enough hours, find the right surgeon to pay thousands of dollars to reconstruct your chin, and follow a good after care regime you can fix I assume that makes it "entirely your fault."
#8 Here have this ice pack, you need it more than I.
Wow people are harsh, stop bashing her looks just because she made a bad comment. Cyber bullying much? #8 there's nothing wrong with your picture or you and I think you're cute
It's not really a big deal. it was dumb of her to say its entirely your fault but there are things you can do to improve your looks such as the ones she pointed out. And just because you can see where she's coming from doesnt mean your shallow. Oh and personally I don't think my picture is very flattering but I still have if up their to show off the car
She was rude yes, but that doesn't give you the right to be rude back to her
Criticize her comment, not her or how she looks
Oh come on. Chill out guys. We're speaking the truth. She is ugly. Her looks may be decent but her personality is shot to hell. And actually we do have the right to be rude back. It's called life kiddo.
The whole lot of you sound like miserable people. You're even worse than #8.
That sucks, good thing is you can try different ways to take an awesome picture, but the downside to that is you don't want to have to fake how you look, because it can bite you in the ass if you ever have a one on one from somebody online.
I was going to say that! Glad I checked first ;)
I was almost sad at first, as I was scrolling through the comments, that no one had said this. Then I saw this one and was happy (:
I thought the staff corrected those little mistakes before publishing the FML. I guess nobody's perfect (:
And by little I meant huge :p

No picture = a hopefully gorgeous person in their minds
That's because they think you're mysterious without a picture? Maybe use a different picture. Shoulders back, big smile, good lighting, some photos just aren't flattering