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By embarrassed niece - 09/07/2013 16:15 - United States - Cumming

Today, my aunt had the wonderful experience of hearing my boyfriend and I have a very "satisfying" encounter after we stupidly forgot to turn off the baby monitor. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 838
You deserved it 50 166

Same thing different taste

Top comments

assassinbanana0 20

Be lucky your aunt wasn't in your closet

why didn't she turn off her baby monitor instead of listening to you two.


assassinbanana0 20

Be lucky your aunt wasn't in your closet

And holding a cake, that could've been awkward!

You're right, 1 and 16. That would make a good FML.

aimee0027 17

She's referring to another FML 34

Am I the only one who is wondering why they did this in the baby's room? Kinky

73. "Baby's room" was probably their room first and still.

Ultimawolf25 19

Those monitors can be very dangerous! Who knows what else others have heard! Poor them...

why didn't she turn off her baby monitor instead of listening to you two.

Well if she's not getting any, she might as well enjoy the show!

assassinbanana0 20

I'm pretty sure she didn't enjoy hearing her niece have a "satisfying encounter" with her boyfriend

Yeah because everyone enjoys listening to their family members getting off...

Smoldering 15

And some people should be taken away in padded vans...

Proof that you know what causes a need for baby monitors! Was it at least just an audio monitor, or one of those newfangled video ones? Either way, FYL!!

Well you've already given yourself the ydi (or I guess idi) so I'll just agree

Having sex with a baby in the house? Scandalous! Having sex with your aunt in the house? ****.

Damian95 16

Cue the music and dim the lights.

klovemachine 24
Smoldering 15

@Doc thats sarcasm and mocking moralfags, right? ........ Right??!?

This is not a FYL. This is a **** your aunt's life.

rg350dx 29

Well, I mean, OP did get ******.

Confruzzled 10

Why was there a baby monitor in the room you were getting it off in... Dont **** in front of the children!!

Just because there was a monitor in there doesn't mean there was a baby in there at that time.

gators1995 30

He is just being comical dude ^

Sex ED is getting better and better each year

avapaige1234 19

Yeah, because she had a horrible experience of hearing her niece have sex.