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By JAY22 - 26/03/2009 11:41 - United States

Today, this girl and I were chilling in my apartment. Things got heated up and we started making out. One thing lead to another, and the next thing I knew, she was giving me head. I was getting ready to bust when she stopped, looked up into my eyes and said, "Do you believe in Jesus?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 224 187
You deserved it 35 821

Same thing different taste

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ahahahahaha reminds me of the one where the girl said "forgive me lord!" when she came

Socrates_fml 0

how did you answer/what happened?


ahahahahaha reminds me of the one where the girl said "forgive me lord!" when she came

haha u r so right!! :) if I were a guy id of been like, yes! now bow your head and pray already!

I'd have been like "I'll decide when I come"

hellokittywhore 0

lmfao at 309!!! I'm soo gonna do this tonight!! or maybe the one where the girls giving her bf head and lots at him and gives him a thumbs up. XD

Selsa_Squirrel 0

There is much win in this one. U.U

Xtaci 0

#323 tell ur bf it tastes like chicken. see what he says lol

viper2426 0

should have cummed and said hallaluya!!

Socrates_fml 0

how did you answer/what happened?

meaganwas 0

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doglover_427 0

definately. xD he understands everything

He's cool, but He'd never want you to start. ...He's the after marriage kinda guy. granted there'd be a lot less stories if people started waiting.

He's not real so how could have an opinion

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And so the fighting over religion begins...

tumornamedmarla 0

HAHAHAHAH. I'm a girl, so I wouldn't particularly know, but something tells me there are fewer faster ways to lose a hard-on.

Adrian66_fml 0

Yes, jesus would most likely be an instant hard-on killer.

WOW! I bet that was a bit disturbing... and confusing.

dawnie1001 0

Ya that will make everything crawl right up inside.

SaturnE_fml 0

Exactly! He was about to bust, and she wanted to ****!

This is probably one of the funniest FML's i've seen yet hahahahahahahahahahahaaha

.... Daaaayomnnn.. What a way to kill the mood.