By brokenrelicslost - 08/01/2010 20:06 - United States

Today, I realized that I have completely fallen for this incredible guy, and that I'm really looking forward to where our relationship will take us. He just informed me that he will be doing jail time following his court date on Tuesday. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 026
You deserved it 5 841

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Might wanna think about raising the bar just a little. Your definition of incredible seems to need some adjusting.

DaleksAreEpic 0

Ha. He must be going to prison for theft, because he just STOLE your heart.


well I geuss it all depends on what he is going to jail for. I went for running a red light and not paying. that is fml

missizzie88 0

The same thing happened to me about a month and a half after meeting the father of my child and, he's out now and everything is fine, our baby girl is due in less than a month

npk88 0

Does Michigan allow conjugal visits? Speaking of is going on there? Seems like 2/3 of the FML's lately are coming from Michigan. I know the auto industry has gone to hell and Detroit is about the most ghetto city in America but come on Michiganers get your shit together and stop having so such FML worthy lives!

Michigan IS one giant FML. I live there, I know. :/

Everyone makes mistakes. Jail time isn't really that bad to be honest. It's the prison time that make a difference.

X_Life_Sucks_X 0
OMGitsKaleyxo 0

you can always have in-cell dates. yummy.

this hits home so much! i just got back together with the love of my life. i too have court on tuesday, and i will most likely have to serve jail time up to a year. i hope he waits for me! stick it out for him. it's not so bad. think how he feels! ive been crying nonstop for the past week. i cant believe this was posted today.

Erindub 0

You sound as bad as my best friend. She picked a guy who was on house arrest, was an alcoholic (think a case of beer a day at least) and refused to have sex with a condom. When she told me the guy dumped her I was speechless! Wow!

Little_monster 0

you know what. I'm dating a guy in Wisconsin. who just informed me of him going to jail. He's waiting for his sentence too on Tuesday. Weird... or is it the same guy? His birthday is on Sunday. It's funny because i'm just not figuring out all his lies. So, it'd be a good thing if you contacted me.

All these happy endings... Maybe one day one of these life winners will date my daughter! Wooeeee! (just a little sarcasm)