By brokenrelicslost - 08/01/2010 20:06 - United States

Today, I realized that I have completely fallen for this incredible guy, and that I'm really looking forward to where our relationship will take us. He just informed me that he will be doing jail time following his court date on Tuesday. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 026
You deserved it 5 841

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Might wanna think about raising the bar just a little. Your definition of incredible seems to need some adjusting.

DaleksAreEpic 0

Ha. He must be going to prison for theft, because he just STOLE your heart.


Jail to me seems better than Australia. That's where my guy is. I fall for him, and he leaves the country.

On to the next one hunny don't even waste your time, he obviously wasted yours!

jduc054 0

num 64, where were you and your guy from australia dating ? ( What state are u in? ) oddly i was told the same thing by my guy. ......

this is a terrible post. one of my best friends went to prison because he was involved in a car accident where someone died. the person who died was the person who caused the accident but apparently you can't blame the dead. ergo, you are a terrible person for judging someone for going to prison.

Amen to that! People are so quick to judge! No one should judge anyone. We need to leave that to the good Lord above!

vexiphobic 0

I'm the OP. He's going to jail for drug loitering as well as a handful of probation violations and unpaid court fees. He IS an incredible guy and accepts full responsibility for his actions. I will be staying with him and waiting for him. Props to the other girls in my situation, you're strong! And to all of you that can't find it in yourself to be understanding and want to talk shit, you're not worth my time. :)

xxreikoxx 31

You're not the OP, now shut the hell up. We'd know the OP by the symbol next to your post.

vexiphobic 0

Okay, that's right, you tell me who I am. I'm new here. I don't know how to comment this as the OP so I did it off my username.

xxreikoxx 31

Your username doesn't match...shut the hell up. Nobody believes you.

The people here need to stop being so judgmental. I met one of the most amazing guys I have ever known (besides my dad) nearly a year ago but now he's facing going to jail for up to three months. Good people make mistakes, and it's wrong to judge people if you've never met them. Oddly enough I live in Michigan too, and the guy's first court date was the same day you posted this haha. I guess us Michiganers just do have problems. This guy has always been there for me and nothing could make me say he's a bad person, so all you people need to stop with the judging!

xxreikoxx 31

Michigan men are (in majority) players, their women are (in majority) dim, and everyone else in the state are (in majority) just idiotic or should consider living in another state in order to avoid having the stupidity rubbed off on them. Thank you for proving my point. Have a nice day.

hellokittywhore 0

today I found out the guy I'm dating has a girlfriend already and I know her. I've kicked her ass twice.

That doesn't make him a bad guy! My brother is going through the same situation, long story, and he is one of the greatest guys!