By Username - 16/04/2011 05:14 - United States

Today, I realized that potato chips are made from potatoes. I'm 26. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 153
You deserved it 84 630

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why the hell did you think they were called potato chips then? YDI, you idiot.

You'd never guess what Beef Burgers are made of..


graphicstyle7 17

Well, I'll give you kudos for being brave enough to admit you're that dense, but take away points for living your life in an oblivious bubble. What in the world DO you pay attention to?

let me guess you also believe chicken of the sea really is chicken and that buffalos really have wings? my two year old even knows that potato chips are made from POTATOES! you're really the class a moron. you should be named the idiot of the year. YDI

wow this is a stupid fake FML put something that has actually happened to u

wow you most be very slow.

You'd be even more confused here, we just call them crisps.

they probably won't give this person a passport

talldancingirl 6

damn they even have the potatoe on the lays bag!

RawrScreamedTheC 6

Are you ready to learn your ABC's now?

endora914 0

Did you grow up in a cult, or a deep dark cave somewhere?? have you never seen a potato chip commercial?? From what I remember lays bags have a potato clearly pictured on them so unless you are retarded it would have been an easy connection to make.

Capt_Oblivious 10

Hey OP, are you familiar with Girl Scout Cookies..........