By BYUwildchild - 17/12/2010 16:23 - United States

Today, I realized that the fish-shaped birth mark on the back of my leg, that I have had all my life, is not really shaped like a fish as I had originally thought. It looks just like a penis. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 952
You deserved it 3 529

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ThatLooksSticky 16

What kind of fish is that? A blow fish?

Are you male or female? I feel like that influences how f-ed your life is considerably.


sourgirl101 28

I know a guy that asked if I wanted to see his "Big black ****, that hung way below his knees"? Turned out, it was a tattoo of a rooster on a noose tattooed on the back on his leg. Perhaps you can use that as a similar pick up line?

Just amputate your leg, and the humiliation will end.

sallen0046 4

A penis, from no angle, looks like a fish. You shouldn't have needed to "realize" anything. The fact that fish are not penis shaped is not a revelation, it's common sense.

RedPillSucks 31

OP might have been told this by parents/adults who were trying to misdirect. Especially if OPs female. she: Daddy, look at this mark I've got on my leg. What is it? he: *Oh my God!* Oh, that's nothing, honey. It's just a pretty little fish. Yeah, that's it. A fish. she: Weeeee. I've got a fishy on my legs. he-to wife: How much do you think it will cost to cover that with a skin graft?

Ninjafriends 1

I think it's more about how her uncle Chester would take her on weekend "fishing" trips.

Atleast your birthmark resembles something, mine are just ovals

Ninjafriends 1

I think you mean testicles. Yay, aren't you happy now?

PurplePeeps 0

I don't know about you, Shay, but I don't twist my dick when jack it. Preferences I guess.