By BYUwildchild - 17/12/2010 16:23 - United States

Today, I realized that the fish-shaped birth mark on the back of my leg, that I have had all my life, is not really shaped like a fish as I had originally thought. It looks just like a penis. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 952
You deserved it 3 529

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ThatLooksSticky 16

What kind of fish is that? A blow fish?

Are you male or female? I feel like that influences how f-ed your life is considerably.


Thoureau 0

How can you not pick up on your birthmark looking like a dick?

Oh my god you are the chosen one!!!!!!!! You are called to the penis

Valerie2 0

Now you'll never be without a penis ;)

soldier4life_88 0

hmm your description is interesting... got my attention!!

my_butt_hurts 0

i guess figuring out that was... too hard I guess that penis was... a bit fishy

indeed, OP, if you are bothered a lot by it, perhaps you can get a tattoo that will make it look less like a penis.

it is said if your mum is pregnant and scratches anywhere in her body whilest thinking of something it will create the of the thing she wanted in the same place of her baby's body maybe she was dreaming of a c**k

XxdarkangelxX13 0

lol I have a really small birthmark on my leg tht looks like a puppy paw:P