By Crumpet - 25/06/2010 07:08 - Canada

Today, I realized that when my boyfriend said, "I'll love you forever" what he really meant was, "I'll love you until I meet your significantly more attractive sister." FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 031
You deserved it 5 296

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Clevelandgirl44 0

You deserve better OP, no matter how you look, no guy has the right to treat you like that. Sorry FYL.

Samko_chan 5

OP is a true writer. LOL FYL

WyKeD 0

HILARIOUS!!!!!! I'll take 2!!! lololol

#227: Five years isn't exactly a long time compared to how long some people have been married, so I don't consider that a substantial achievement. That being said, I believe that even a relationship that has lasted 20 years rarely maintains the same level of affection that generally drives a statement like "I'll love you forever". What I'm saying is that the chances of someone finding happiness in their relationships is greater when they get over the notion that anyone will truly love them forever, because over time, I will bet money that even you and your significant other will begin to resent each other more than anything else. SURE maybe you two can be mature and work out all of your little problems, but ultimately, you will probably not feel quite the same way and will likely desire someone else in your life, even if you don't act out on that. It's human nature.

davek 36

Pics of hot sister please so we can judge this one.

terror_twins 0

Tell him to get the **** out?