By me - 22/09/2013 13:34 - United States - Richmond

Today, I realized the only "person" I have talked to in the last two days is Siri. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 402
You deserved it 8 538

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Change the accent so at least you can talk to a British Siri!

MsMourningStar 22

That's your fault. Go out and do something. Unless you're seriously injured there's no excuse.


I do this all the time, sometimes i tell her I'm lonely and she say she's sorry to hear it

Well it's not like people are interesting.

I posted to get the number of comments off of 69

I kinda wish your phone breaks and u have to go out into the world

I wish I could say the same. Siri gives me much better news that the real ppl I've talked to in the last few days.

Put your balls back in your purse, man up, and get the f*ck out there and meet someone, there is no excuse for it, downright pathetic

I didn't think that Siri was a person.

Is it really worth talking to people these days, anyway?