By me - 22/09/2013 13:34 - United States - Richmond

Today, I realized the only "person" I have talked to in the last two days is Siri. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 402
You deserved it 8 538

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Change the accent so at least you can talk to a British Siri!

MsMourningStar 22

That's your fault. Go out and do something. Unless you're seriously injured there's no excuse.


Siri is my boyfriend, courtesy of the UK English setting. He calls me master. ;)

that is still 1 more "person" than I have to talk to.

These days, Siri makes more sense And isn't as dull as the people around us, I think it would be better to talk to her.

Maybe if you spent less time playing with your phone, you'd actually have a chance to meet real people.

happyfingers 15

I'd be happy enough to be able to go a couple days without having to talk to anybody. Seems like a nice break. Ahhh... Hear that? It's the sound of people leaving you the **** alone... How nice... And if it bothers you to be alone that long, how about you go talk to someone? Can't always expect people to come to you. Sometimes you have to go to them. :P

Good luck getting to first base with Siri. If you do, holy balls!

Do you keep your phone in your underwear and ask Siri to phone you