By IHateMyLife - 22/09/2012 06:59 - United States - Fallbrook

Today, I received a compliment for the first time from a girl. She told me she admires my courage to go out in public since most ugly people don't like to. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 869
You deserved it 2 026

Same thing different taste


Belindaaa18 4

I Hope You Get Hit In The Face....Hard. No Hard Feelings Bro?(:

That's kind of like one step forward and two steps back.

Silent_Thrill 17

"bitches on leashes" reminds me of Smell the Glove by Spinal Tap. Plus, I'm just gonna pretend that second sentence doesn't exist... for obvious reasons. Don't judge me!

Tell her she has courage too... To be able to act like a bitch in public and not worry that someone is going to beat her up over it

carminecris89 13

Wow, what a ****. Girls can be so cruel. Next time say something witty back that will really hurt. Stand up for yourself always.

JessalynVictoria 6

Op try not to stress over it. She is probably just a mean bitch, with nothing better to do than disparage (not sure on the spelling of this. Don't kill me grammar nazis.) others. Sometimes the ability of some to be so ******* cruel just amazes me.

I hate neggers.... The ones that give you compliments while they put you down at the same time... What a bitch.

perdix 29

Jesus! You came one letter from getting the "Comments are deactivated" hammer slammed down on this story. You may want to use a different term. In the South, "pen" sounds like "pin," so someone using your term could start a riot.

davidn 0

You tell that racist idiot!' what an asshole !

So ugly people are suppose to stay at home and hide under the blanket? What the hell is wrong with these people.

pattyshivlee 5

I just can't believe how mean girls are nowadays : sorry fyl