By IHateMyLife - 22/09/2012 06:59 - United States - Fallbrook

Today, I received a compliment for the first time from a girl. She told me she admires my courage to go out in public since most ugly people don't like to. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 869
You deserved it 2 026

Same thing different taste


Honestly what a ****** bitch!! Wow chics like that need an assbeating, she odiously feels ugly inside cause people don't just go around being ***** to random strangers! Keep ur head up OP, karmas the real bitch and guaranteed this ***** will get hers!

Ugly words make an ugly person.. you're clearly far more attractive op :)

skyeyez9 24

Beauty is fleeting. I used to have the biggest crush on a guy named Jeff in HS. I was nerdy and he was popular, so naturally he didn't know I existed. I saw him when I was out with a friend and Jeff stopped us to talk to my friend Mike (they were good friends in school). I didn't initially recognize him cause this once "cute" guy gained about 100lbs, teeth starting to yellow from chain smoking, and grew his hair really long. Of course now that he was all nasty, he started talking about how pretty I was and shit.

skyeyez9 24

OP, I do not think there is an ugly person. I can always find at least one trait that is attractive on a guy. Whether it is their long eyelashes, pretty eyes, nice smile, they have a nice body, sexy voice. Everybody has at least one "attractive" trait.

How RUDE!! You should have slapped that bitch!

Reply: Why thank you so much, I'm just fallowing your example. You are far braver then I.

mowmowlife 21

'Wow, I'm really happy that you feel confident in yourself enough to open your mouth. Most idiots don't'

Who knows, maybe she really likes you :) I can see you two in a long term relationship in the neat future so good luck OP!

lexi365 20

She just insulted him.... Where are you getting long term relationship from? Sorry for being a downer. (Prepares for massive numbers of thumbs downs)

Holy ******* ouch...thats painful, sorry bud.

You never know, she might have legitimately said it to be nice and could have not known it was hurtful. I have aspergers and I never know when I'm being mean.