By IHateMyLife - 22/09/2012 06:59 - United States - Fallbrook

Today, I received a compliment for the first time from a girl. She told me she admires my courage to go out in public since most ugly people don't like to. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 869
You deserved it 2 026

Same thing different taste


WithinEPICA 4

hey OP at least you dont look like me. im the ugliest guy in the world! stay strong.

Why the **** do people have to be like that. You are beautiful and ugly at the same time. I keep trying to tell people that yeah, that person might think you're ugly but I guarantee you are someones type. Don't let it get you down. Forget about that bitch, let her dumbass go for the complete asshole and wonder why she can't find a good man like you.

I don't think that was meant as a compliment ...

Thats gotta suck, get a head start and put a bag over your head.. Just kidding, that girl is just lonely and wants others to feel bad too

Chixken 6

I would have slapped the bitch.

The_F3rris 11

Should've told her you're surprised to see her out as well.

rcgirl2 11

I swear, people are so rude nowadays.

lilmisslivid 0

Should of told her how much you admire her for opening her big mouth to compliment you instead of opening it for the usual dick