By musicislife1337 - 08/01/2012 07:24 - Canada

Today, I received numerous text messages from my parents asking where I was and how worried they are. I was in my room, they didn't even notice me walk in. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 057
You deserved it 3 100

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

They were worried about your silent, ninja walking. How are they going to enjoy having hot, noisy sex when the kid could suddenly glide in on them unnoticed? They need to put a bell around your neck.

TraceCase_ 19

Should have messed with them and asked for a ride home...then gave them detailed directions to your room.


I've been in a situation like that before. My mom asked all my friends in the neighborhood and even called the police to find me, when I was in my room reading a book the entire time. LOL

bartenderdude3 5

Dude nice ninja skills, this should be on mlia!!!

Forever Alo--wait. Nobody has said that yet? Phew! I was sure I would get verbally raped by DocBastard or perdix for that one!

zebralover23 14

Don't worry it happens to me all the time

My brother goes through this every other day with my parents. Its his fault though for not even showing the courtesy to say hey or make my parents aware that he was home. I dont think its a matter of op's parents not caring. If they didnt care, they wouldnt call