By girlthatstoofat - 29/10/2009 17:28 - United States

Today, I recieved a message on MySpace from a cute guy I've been talking to for a while. It read, "I saw a girl in Old Navy at the mall last night that looked a lot like you, but she was much fatter." I was in Old Navy at the mall last night. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 329
You deserved it 6 891

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

That's the danger of Photoshopping your MySpace picture too much and celebrating your fraud by stuffing your face with chili cheese fries.

ISellHerbs 0

Maybe you should take that as a hint.


you know, people do look alike other people. Ever considered that it WASNT you and it WAS somebody who looked like you that happened to be in the same shop? YDI (because there isnt a rating that says "why do you assume fat people are always you")

Really. It's always about you, isn't it OP?

Raiderwrstler65 0

i agree with #25..... why dont u try losing weight or going for fatter guys.

laurr_rawrs 0


alex_vik 0

YDI for taking fat angle pictures to hide your fat.

So, you took the fat girl angle shot? The one that EVERYONE on myspace has?

noshitsherlock 0

YOU DESERVE IT for being a ******* PICTURE LIAR (I made that up, haha). That's what you get for posting either fake, misleading, or oldass pics where you were once thin. It's called being honest - if that's how you look in real life, why hide it online? Can you do that in person? NO, so be real.

the_stereotype 0

don't worry, he's probably not that cute in person either

sportsnut 0

you should really work on your self image and by that, i mean you should get healthier and lose the weight that will eventually kill you