By Mack - 31/08/2009 04:06 - United States

Today, I rented a drill to a straight-up valley girl, with the speech affect, Von Dutch patrol cap and all. I tried to disabuse of her of the idea that aluminum is a form of steel. Apparently, that constitutes being a smartass, so she threw her change at me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 610
You deserved it 8 406

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow, I enjoy how, in your haste to make yourself sound intellectually superior to the Valley girl, you totally screwed up what you were trying to say. And, seriously, if getting change thrown at you after completely insulting and likely belittling/mocking a customer to her face is traumatic enough for you to say FML, then you are surely living a charmed life. YDI for SURE!

IOwnedYou 0

Didn`t follow a word he said, can someone explain?


Okay what? I don't even understand this FML, other than some chick that talked like a valley girl threw change at you.

I thought it was a "speech defect" not " affect"

crimson_smurf 0

yeah this douche made no sense with this

This FML just proves you're probably a douche bag anyway.


I'm astonished by how unfunny this is. FYL for posting this in the first place. That is all.

Whoa, I had to read this story a couple times through to actually get what it was saying. wtf? lol

#133, why are you getting so worked up about it? i'm no expert on drills...but I do know that it would not endanger the lives of people, as the drill itself is generally not part of the finished product. and as to the question of assault, just because she threw change (coins?) at him, he never stated that they actually hit him. however, I'm not saying that what he did was justified, and it's not really FML-worthy.

There REALLY needs to be a "Who cares?" rating (i will keep saying it until it is done!)