By Mack - 31/08/2009 04:06 - United States

Today, I rented a drill to a straight-up valley girl, with the speech affect, Von Dutch patrol cap and all. I tried to disabuse of her of the idea that aluminum is a form of steel. Apparently, that constitutes being a smartass, so she threw her change at me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 610
You deserved it 8 406

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow, I enjoy how, in your haste to make yourself sound intellectually superior to the Valley girl, you totally screwed up what you were trying to say. And, seriously, if getting change thrown at you after completely insulting and likely belittling/mocking a customer to her face is traumatic enough for you to say FML, then you are surely living a charmed life. YDI for SURE!

IOwnedYou 0

Didn`t follow a word he said, can someone explain?


x_Leopard_x 1

I feel very confused. =S Well, I understood the last sentence. xD That stinks that she threw change at you! :O

Caldwell94 0

Damn, could you have worded this worse? The first two times I read it I thought you were trying drill a valley girl....

lastusernameleft 0

Haha that's what I thought the first few times a read it. Then I was like why is rent in between these 2 damn words?

Caldwell94 0

yeah i thought maybe she was a prostitute he tried to "drill" but for some reason they started talking about metal and he was being snooty so she bitch slapped his ass outta the car

Would help if he used the correct Effect/affect. The word he used, Affect, means to affect or to change something.

Very true. It seems the OP is a dumb-ass indeed.

graceinsheepwear 33

affect is a way to describe speech, as in flat affect

Ahh ****, it's another FML that makes you have to think to understand it. I just want to come on this site and read something and laugh at it. Not have to think hard to understand what it means! YDI for making me think.

Envirochick 0

I love how you tried to make yourself seem smarter then this valley girl and in your haste to post this you made the post impossible to understand and only made yourself seem stupid. What the heck is a speech affect? It's a speech impediment you moron. Who the hell uses the term disabuse anymore? Why not just say that you were trying to convince her that steel didn't contain aluminum? It would make the post a lot easier to read for anyone who isn't an English professor.

lifeislife_fml 0

Obviously THE GIRL thought aluminum was a form of steel, so the OP tried to convince her otherwise, but she got mad for no plausible reason.

I have no idea what the hell you're trying to say, or how this FML even got on here.

shockeyvz 0

to be honest, i ddn't understand a wotd of that

Julioyobaby 0

Didn't understand shit of this FML. So either way, YFDI.

look at the way you write the fml ********. your not a smart arse, your condesending. when they were handing out personality, you were standing in the ego queue for seconds. **** off! no wonder you're only 'renting drills' to 'valley girls' instead of having a real job. omadhán.