By Mack - 31/08/2009 04:06 - United States

Today, I rented a drill to a straight-up valley girl, with the speech affect, Von Dutch patrol cap and all. I tried to disabuse of her of the idea that aluminum is a form of steel. Apparently, that constitutes being a smartass, so she threw her change at me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 610
You deserved it 8 406

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow, I enjoy how, in your haste to make yourself sound intellectually superior to the Valley girl, you totally screwed up what you were trying to say. And, seriously, if getting change thrown at you after completely insulting and likely belittling/mocking a customer to her face is traumatic enough for you to say FML, then you are surely living a charmed life. YDI for SURE!

IOwnedYou 0

Didn`t follow a word he said, can someone explain?


lifeislife_fml 0

COMPLETELY agree. I have no clue why so many people are hating on the OP for "belittling and mocking" the girl (which wasn't even mentioned in the FML so how the hell do they know if he insulted her or not?). Everyone judges people, whether they want to or not.

Tokie_fml 0

what the **** this makes no sense whoever mod'ed this fyl for being able to understand what the he'll the op was trying to say

pistonchamp159 0

well i feel like the FML is just a bunch of random words put together. I have no idea what this says at all.

OP deserved it. He sounds like a douchebag.

Micky_Pain 0

Not the best worded fml ever, but once you understand that "rent a drill to a valley girl" actually means that she rented an actual drill and it's not some stupid slang for getting some it starts to make sense. All in all a very "meh" fml.

_electricbonbon 0


yeah, wtf does this even mean? too confusing, how'd they let you post this?

NaziZombie 0